
The History Behind College, University and School Colors...

The Importance of Choosing a School Color - College colors have been used as a way of making a clear distinction between colleges, especially when meeting together at sporting events. These colors are entirely distinct from each university and in cases where one color is the same, the complementary color...

How to Wear a Bow Tie without Feeling Silly or Uncomfortable...

How to Wear a Bow Tie - The bow tie is one of the great polarizers in men’s wear. A man is either a bow tie guy or he isn’t, and members of both camps will tell you in emphatic terms why they’re not with the other group.   What accounts for...

Choosing Black Ties for a Formal Look...

When most guys start prepping for a black tie event, it seems like the dress code is fairly standard. You select a black tuxedo. Maybe you go with navy if you’re adventurous. You steer clear of adventurous throwback moves like Rami Malek’s white dinner jacket at the Emmys. Your shoes...

Pink Ties are for Real Men...

PINK TIES are for REAL MEN! - No matter how experimental menswear has become, there’s still a stigma surrounding wearing pink. Because pink is feminine, it works against masculine constructs... It makes you less of a man. But let’s face it, there’s no way a color can make you less...